AX Registry - Export client configuration (.axc) | |
Topic | Work with AX client and server configuration (AX 2009/2012) |
Description | Exports a AX 2009/2012 client configuration |
Category | Utility |
Microsoft documentation | https://technet.microsoft.com/de-de/library/aa569651.aspx |
Parameter: AX version | |
Description | The AX version you want to use. Possible values are "Auto detect", "AX 2009", or "AX 2012". If you choose "Auto detect" the lowest installed version will be used. |
Type | Picklist |
Required | True |
Default value | Auto |
Parameter: Configuration name | |
Description | The configuration name of the AX client configuration. If you leave the parameter empty, the default configuration is used. |
Type | String |
Required | False |
Default value |
Parameter: Use current user (HKLM) | |
Description | Should the current user (HKLM) be used? (or local machine) |
Type | Boolean |
Required | False |
Default value | False |
Parameter: Configuration file path (.axc) | |
Description | The file path to save the configuration file. |
Type | File path |
Required | True |
Default value | |
Example value | $/Microsoft Dynamics AX (Test)/Client.axc |
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