AX Enterprise Portal - Deploy | |
Topic | Work with AX Enterprise Portal |
Description | Deploys the Enterprise Portal site of an AX environment |
Category | Deploy |
Special features |
Microsoft documentation | https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd261467.aspx |
Parameter: Identification type | |
Description | How should the AXUpdatePortal utility be identified? Possible values are "Configuration file", or "AXUpdatePortal file". |
Type | Picklist |
Required | True |
Default value | Configuration file |
Parameter: Server config file path (.axc) | |
Description | The file path of the server configuration file. |
Type | File path |
Required | True |
Default value | |
Dependency | Only visible if Identification type is "Configuration file" |
Example value | $/Microsoft Dynamics AX (Test)/Server.axc |
Parameter: AXUpdatePortal file path | |
Description | The file path of the AXUpdatePortal file. |
Type | File path |
Required | True |
Default value | C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Setup\AXUpdatePortal.exe |
Dependency | Only visible if Identification type is "AXUpdatePortal file" |
Parameter: Action | |
Description | What action should be done? Possible values are "Update all", "Create site", "Deploy site", "Update proxies", "Update images", "Update web component", "Update websites", or "List virtual servers". |
Type | Picklist |
Required | True |
Default value | Update all |
Parameter: Site url | |
Description | The url of the Enterprise Portal site. Please note: The Site url is shown but not used on Action "List virtual servers". This is because you currently cannot define multiple visibility rules for a parameter. |
Type | String |
Required | True |
Default value | |
Dependency | Only visible if Action is not "Update websites" and not "List virtual servers" |
Example value | http://ServerName[:port]/Sites/SiteName |
Parameter: Tree node path | |
Description | The tree node path of the web component. |
Type | String |
Required | True |
Default value | |
Dependency | Only visible if Action is "Update web component" |
Example value | \Web\Web Files\Web Controls\WorkOrderDetails\ |
Parameter: Reset IIS | |
Description | Should the IIS be reset after the operation has been completed? |
Type | Boolean |
Required | False |
Default value | False |
Dependency | Only visible if Action is not "List virtual servers" |
Parameter: Max wait time (min) | |
Description | The number of minutes to wait before failing the step. |
Type | Integer |
Required | False |
Default value | 120 |
Frequently Asked Questions
Enterprise Portal is not updated
Enterprise Portal is not updated
If you have problems on updating the Enterprise Portal, please check the following links:
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